Montana Attorneys

A legal team that cares

Our Work

We have represented hundreds of people seriously injured, and the families of many people killed, by accidents, medical malpractice, or defective and dangerous products.

It takes a lot of courage to bring a lawsuit. Our clients bravely tell their stories hoping what happened to their family won’t happen again. With our clients, we have helped make positive changes in health care. We have effected changes in cancer screening, mammography, ICU practices, emergency room recognition of domestic violence and home health care training.

There are two primary reasons for pursuing a legal claim for damages:

  1. providing justice and fair compensation for those injured by improper and negligent conduct,
  2. deterring and preventing similar conduct that may harm others.

By focusing attention on careless and dangerous policies and procedures, many of our cases have brought about changes that have made medical practices safer for others. Our cases have led to the creation of educational endowments and information sharing in the field of cancer diagnosis. One of our cases contributed critical funding to a foundation that provides adaptive equipment for crippled children. One case led to changes in patient tracking and follow-up to assure that potentially dangerous medical conditions are not missed because of innocent miscommunication or misunderstanding between patients and their doctors.

Our work for clients often does not end until arrangements are completed to safely invest and protect their recoveries. Where appropriate, we help set up special settlement-preserving trusts, conservatorships and structured settlements (limited or lifetime annuity payments). We also assist in resolving creditor claims and liens on settlement funds. 

We are proud of our clients. Our clients have the courage to pursue their claims, allowing them or a loved one to live out the balance of their lives with a measure of dignity, independence and financial security. Despite what you read and hear about “jackpot justice” and “frivolous lawsuits,” pursuing a legal claim is a difficult and serious effort. We stand ready to help those with serious injuries pursue all valid claims to successful recovery.

Our Clients' Recoveries

The following are actual recoveries we have made for our clients. We believe that the results obtained by a law firm for its clients are an important measure of the firm’s skill and experience. However, clients must be aware that because each case is different, the result in one case does not guarantee the same or similar result in other cases. Because almost all of our cases are resolved confidentially, we can only provide a very limited amount of information about each case so that the identity of our clients, and the defendants from whom the recovery was made, remain confidential.

Millions Recovered

Browse through the recoveries we have made for our clients:

Case Studies

Case Study 1

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Case Study 2

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Buxbaum Daue PLLC